CAO World 4-Cigar Sampler, crafted by CAO, a renowned premium cigar brand presents this World Sampler collection offered here in an elegant 4-cigar box set. Each cigar is hand-rolled in the 5 x 56 Robusto size and contains the following cigar titles: CAO America Potomac, CAO Brazilia Gol, CAO Italia Ciao, and CAO Colombia Vallenato. This is an excellent display of rich diversity of different tobacco blends from four distinct regions from around the world. The CAO World 4-Cigar Sampler makes an ideal gift for fellow cigar enthusiasts or a family member or friend.
Manufactured By: General Cigar Co., Inc.
Rolling Type: Handmade
Flavor: Natural
Shape: All 4 Cigars are Robusto
Brands Include: 1 - CAO America Potomac (5 x 56)
1 - CAO Brazilia Gol (5 x 56)
1 - CAO Colombia Vallenato (5 x 56)
1 - CAO Italia Ciao (5 x 56)
Wrapper Types: Various
Binder: Various
Filler: Various
Origin: Dominican Republic
Strength: Full Flavor
Wrapper Colors: Various
Packaging: Box of 4 Assorted Cigars